umm plain day.....
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I think this plainny wainny day not jus't today, but I already fels this, in a few day's ago.. I don't know, this office is flatt... I loose the laugh of everybody, I loose the truth smile, and they like an artist (fake) if should communicate with the others... Probably they have a Prob's or probably I'm not in da mood (exactly coz of my haid come lately)...
Or ummm...I don't know... I feel like an alien in a stranger place...(stranger planet) wekekekek..weaky or pathetic?? ummm flatt plain...hope everything is gonna be okay "again" after lunch (with bonny wonny ..ehm hiihihihi)
Or ummm...I don't know... I feel like an alien in a stranger place...(stranger planet) wekekekek..weaky or pathetic?? ummm flatt plain...hope everything is gonna be okay "again" after lunch (with bonny wonny ..ehm hiihihihi)
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